Rule of ommiad or Umayyad dynasty - The Biography Notes - History, Science And Biography

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Wednesday 3 July 2019

Rule of ommiad or Umayyad dynasty

Rule of ommiad or Umayyad dynasty

The Caliphs, belonging to a branch of Mohammad’s family, known as Ommiads or Umayyads ruled for about 100 years. Damascus was their capital. They developed a new style of architecture known as Saracemc architecture. The aches, the pillars, and the minarets and domes came to India later and blended with Indian ideas.

The Muslim Arabs carried Islam far and wide. But while they were fighting at distant lands, the Arabs at home were quarrelling Ali the son-in-law of Prophet Mohammad and his son Hussein were murdered. Umayyads were overthrown by Abbasids. This branch descended from Prophet Mohammad’s uncle Abbas and hence his followers were called Abbasids.

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