Confucius - The Biography Notes - History, Science And Biography

The Biography Notes - History, Science And Biography

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Thursday 4 July 2019


Confucius (551-478 BC (BCE))
                                       (Chinese philosopher)
Born: 28 September 551 BC, Lu
Died: 11 April 479 BC, Lu
Full name: Kong Qiu

Confucius was born in the Shantung province of China in 551 BC (BCE). He studied history, poetry. philosophy and music. He of five important works: (1) The Book of Records, which is chiefly ethical,
providing guidelines for the regulation of human society; (2) The Book of Odes, illustrating the sound principles of morality in songs; (3) The Book of Changes dealing with metaphysics; (4) The Spring and Autumn Annals,political morality; and
(5) The Book of History narrating the events and legends of the early religions of China.

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